Fluoride-Free And SLS-Free Oral Care for Healthy Smiles
Toothpaste Ingredients Can Lead to Contact Dermatitis
Most commercial toothpaste contains certain ingredients, such as flavors, detergents like sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), coloring agents, artificial sweeteners, fluoride, and abrasives.
This short article will explain why the best choice in oral care is SLS-free and fluoride-free toothpaste. Some of the ingredients in toothpaste, especially SLS, can result in tissue sloughing or contact dermatitis. The Mayo Clinic reports one cause of canker sores is SLS. Fluoride in toothpaste is another ingredient that has had its share of controversy.
SLS in Toothpaste: What it is, and Should You Avoid It?
SLS is a harsh, synthetic detergent used to create foaming action in toothpaste, soap, and shampoo. Dermatologists include it as a standard detergent for skin patch testing to determine irritation and allergies. According to the Journal of Contact Dermatitis and DermNetNZ, toothpaste ingredients can induce contact dermatitis and allergic contact cheilitis, causing small lesions around the lips and mouth.
Conditions Attributed to Toothpaste:
SLS affects the skin barrier function, making it more permeable. This increases blood flow and absorption, which can lead to irritation from SLS or other substances in the toothpaste.
Xylitol in Toothpaste: Another Option for Tooth Decay Prevention
Children under six often swallow toothpaste while brushing. If it contains fluoride, it may lead to toxic reactions, which is why fluoride toothpaste carries a strong warning label.
Xylitol is the new fluoride. The National Institute of Health reports that chewing gum with xylitol for five minutes three times a day can reduce tooth decay by more than 60%. Xylitol also increases saliva flow, helping with dry mouth, which can contribute to gum disease and tooth decay.
Studies have shown that xylitol helps remineralize tooth enamel, strengthening it and reversing the initial stages of tooth decay. Cleure offers a full selection of SLS-free, fluoride-free, and gluten-free oral care products, including alcohol-free and mint-free mouthwash, SLS-free toothpaste for sensitive teeth, and even flavor-free toothpaste.
Whether you have celiac disease, contact dermatitis, sensitivity to flavors, or simply prefer natural oral care, Cleure dental health products are designed for you. Developed by a dentist, Cleure products are free of irritating ingredients while promoting oral health.
Your mouth is like a window to your body, so keeping it healthy is crucial. Ingredients like mint, SLS, and triclosan in traditional toothpaste can cause irritation. Cleure offers fluoride-free, gluten-free toothpaste, and xylitol-based dental products. Developed by a dentist and recommended by dentists and dermatologists, Cleure's mint-free oral care promotes a healthy mouth and fresh breath.